Saturday, August 20, 2011

Welcome to my art

I started blogging several years ago, before I had a website for my photo and mixed media artwork. The original intent of that blog was to provide an online presence for my work, hence the name Judy Wood Art Photography. Somehow that blog morphed into what it is currently, which is to say a blog that comments on my life and observations as a Saskatchewan artist and photographer, and while it always features photos, it doesn't really feature a lot of my actual artwork. I've been working under that format for too long to change the name now, so I am starting this blog which will really be just about the artwork. You can also check my work on my website .

The original blog is created and published every Monday evening, pretty much without fail. This one will make random appearances as time and work allows. I'll feature a mix of older and newer works, in no particular order. Most will be art photos, but there will be mixed media and encaustic mixed media art as well. Feel free to sign up to get this blog (and my other one) by email.

After this introductory post, I'll try to keep the writing to a minimum.

"West Door"  -- a shot I took in the fall a few years ago, featuring my gelding Alpac in the crossties. This is a favourite image for me (and for customers as well) and I use it as my "branding" image on my business cards, handouts, letterhead, whatever.


Here's a recent shot, also with an appearance by Alpac. I got this one a few weeks ago when the farrier was setting up. I call this one "Tools of the Trade".

All photo images are for sale in various sizes. Contact me (contact info is on the website) to inquire. 

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